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Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

So if someone sold you a 4 star holiday and when you got there it was a youth hostel, you would say oh well there not an instituion they didnt force me to buy it.

That is just it, you were not sold a 4 star holiday.  You were told exactly what was included in the product.  Its not like MS hid anything.  They told you exactly what the product was and its focused.  Everyone had plenty of information to make a decision and they did.  When people stated that the product was flawed well they had to make drastic changes.  Hell its one of the reason I believe so many missing features were absent from the X1.  Having to change direction like they did probably ment a re-write of the OS.  When thinking about it, I am sure that their OS team pretty much stated, we have this much time to release a product, you either make a decision now or we go with the original plan.  Its something that is done in software development all the time when drastic parameters have changed.

The DRM granted, but the video doesnt just talk about the DRM, it talks about the promise of Kinect and it always being included and the talk of XBox entertainment bringing new and exclusive TV shows, 2 major features from there reveal press conference dropped 6 months after launch

Yes the video talks about Kinect and TV.  Kinect is still available for people that want it.  It still works and still integrate with the OS, Apps and TV stuff the console does today.  There are still games coming out for the device and all apps still work with the device.  So its not bundled.  Its still on MS to make people want Kinect so at this time lets just see what they can do to make that happen.  Right now its a little early to write the device off.

As for the TV stuff, I believe the things that are already in production are still happening.  You still get the Halo series and you still get the Quantum Break stuff.  What you will not get is MS wasting any more resources on trying to be a media company when that is clearly not their strength.  Personally I believe that was the best thing MS could have done.  That money can easily be put into game development or finance new games for the system.  I am sure Phil will find something to do with that capital.  

When all is said and done, its a rant about MS making changes for the better for their product and finding a reason to make it a negative.  Its classic fanboy dribble that we have seen coutless times and will continue to see as long as people for some emotional attachment to corporations.

Yes and if you watched the video, he did say for him at least all the changes were for the better, doesnt change the fact they lied multiple times, and in case of DRM and Kinect also demanded that these desicsion could not be reveresed, before reversing them and the main point of his video NOT apologising. 

Yes things are better, but they lied and they didnt apologise. thats the point of the video and its all true.