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estebxx said:

i assume you wrote that article, if so... then we were introduced to the series by the same guys (TBFP), i laughed a lot with their Demons/Dark Souls videos, but i also noticed some really interesting games, i got the games and i played them in order expecting Dark (the sequel) to be better than Demons.

But i was somehow wrong, theres a lot of stuff that i liked more on DeS than DaS, and i could get really into it and get a very detailed explainaiton, but sadly this isnt the thread for this... but just to mention some stuff that i thought was better fleshed out in DeS:

-The Bosses felt more creative and unique.

-The lore felt more appealing.

-The music was great and more intimidating (no other track in the soul series makes you feel like youre F#cked like DeS main theme).

-The NPCs felt more interesting as well.

-the game did a better job at punishing you (no bonefires aka checkpoint, starting the level all over if you died, losing half your health when you died (soul form) and changing the world tendency to black making enemys stronger and making black phantom enemys appear as well, making the game way harder, therefore creating a better sense of fullfilment when you acomplished something like beating a boss or an entire level.


and no i didnt make those images (i wish i did...), i found them googling demons souls and scrolling like a houndred pages down and enetering a page which name i cant recall, i would reference the author but i didnt find his/her name.

PS: Great Article you wrote there and nice blog.

Thanks, I try to write a lot. Recently got a couple things promoted by gamesbeat.

I think you've pretty much nailed every major point of what gives Demon's Souls more "soul." I just went back and played through it just last week because I'd tired of DaS2. Though I am excited for the new DaS2 DLC. Want to get the PC version  but I need my new graphics card to come in.