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eva01beserk said:
drake_tolu said:
WhiteEaglePL said:
September,October shoudl give Wii U at least 80K baseline, and holidays along with Smash + Amiibo ........roughly 600K+

and a few million software :D

I said:

Second half of July: 70,000 on week

First half of Augost: 50,000 on week

Second half of Augost: 60,000 on week

Fisrt half of september: 70,000 on week

Second half of September: 95,000 on week

After September 100,000 on week...

After september I expect at least 130k.

Expecting a pricecut this year even if is not much like $30, after that the baseline should be 160k, with over 200k the week of each exclusive realise.

Seems strong. But by october I expext 140K ;)