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Yup base your theory on VGC numbers that have just on June undertracked Ps4 35% and X1 8% Just in USA. That seems like TheDrill thread because it cherrypick the unprecise numbers favouring the point it want to make.
Let's revisit this when July NPD comes and shipments reports give us a better view.
Anyway Sony doesn't need 50% marketshare to do wonders. It competes with X1 for 3rd parties support and doing 2:1 globally and 3:1 in europe will grant its perks. And for more we love WiiU it have no weight on ps4 sellings
And about the purpouse of the OP. Really great to combat the notion of PS4=Ps2mk2. Are you also going to combat pipedreams of other fanbases and yours own or this isn't about pipedreams but just antagonize Sony? Because it doesn't matter if you say 1000 timesyou aren't downplaying, your actions speaks volumes about it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."