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StarOcean said:
MohammadBadir said:
My main problem with today's Pokemon games is the designs. Yeah, I know I sound like those Pokemon haters or genwunners, But the design quality really went downhill for me, and it's not just the Pokemon.
I can learn to like the new Pokemon, I used to think Gen 5's Pokemon were utter trash, but after playing a lot I started to really like them.
But the other design issue which urks me to no end is the Trainers. I was so scared they'd ruin my favorite gen's designs after I've seen X and Y, and they did IMO.
Brendan looks like he's wearing a swimming suit and got sunburned too bad,
May looks scrawny as hell and what's up with every girl getting short shorts/short skirts?
I kinda like Roxanne's design,
What the fuck happened to Brawly? he went from badass into a beaver boxer thing.
I like Wattson's design, but I preferred his old one, even though not a lot has changed.
Flannery's decent.
Norman, I'm just indifferent, he looked cooler in Gen 3 IMO, though.
It's not like Sidney wasn't wierd looking before, but now he looks plain creepy.
They didn't change Phoebe's design, they just gave here a much needed redrawing.
Steven looks as cool as before, though I'm not a fan of the scrawniness.
Male Aqua Grunts, What's with them socks...
Female Aqua Grunts, again with the short shorts/short skirts.
Male Magma grunts looked a lot tougher/more menacing in gen 3, they look like wierdos now.
Female Magma Grunts, short shorts/ short skirts one more time... (it's not like they didn't wear short dresses before, but damn those shorts look pretty bad, and the upper design for ALL grunts looks especially lame.
Shelly... why did they remodel here genitic make up?
Courtney looks like she's uncomfortable in those clothes... also, short shorts/short skirts AGAIN -.-
Matt, I guess once you go black, you do never go back... and what the hell's up with the steroids?
Tabitha, this has got to be like the worst re-design in the history of re-designs.
Archie's supposed to be the fish king now?
Maxie traded his cool points for dem sciency glasses, I guess his eye sight weakened after seeing the other designs...

I was extremely hyped for Gen 3 remakes, especially after seeing how Gen 1 and 2 were remade, but ORAS are making it really hard for me to be hyped right now...

I actually agree with this. I'm not a fan of the new art style Pokemon has adopted. Gen 1-3 were very reminiscent of Akira Toriyama, Gen 4 and B/W were the transition period and B2/W2 and beyond has the now current strange art style that exists now... Not sure how to describe it... more westernized? I don't know :p 

Black and White looked pretty good in the design department, I wonder why they didn't settle for that art style.