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freedquaker said:

I understand and technically there isnt much to disagree here but it still is possible to have some simple configuration options. We have seen many examples of this before. The thing is, it just takes more time and effort to optimize for more than one setting. It is almost like optimizing the game for two different patforms.

Well you are actually right. An maybe I was a bit excessive when I said its not possible. More like its not necesary or efficient use of time. Cause you also right, its almost like optimizing the game for two different platforms. And the amount of man hours spend to do that could be better spent on just optimzing the game some more to get the most outta the one platform. 

On consoles the only real way this can be done is withhaving things like 2xAA, 4xAA, locked or unlocked framerates and maybe a rez toggle. everything I listed out there with excpetion to framerate and rez are post porocessing effects. And playing with the rez/framerate can give you gains with the AA. Thats basically all they can really do on consoles. On PCs, devs still optimize for a certain minimum spec they have in mind. But the unlock everything and allow the gamers set however well or badly they want the game to run.

Can't do most of that on consoles cause well, if someone increased the texture rez on a console from say 2k to 4k then you would instantly need twice the amount of memory for textures. That would just break the game.