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Ugh, I wish this resolution argument would just end. The statements to defend the One are just getting ridiculous. Last gen, some were boasting about 10-20 extra lines of res on the 360. Now, the PS4 is pushing 180-360 extra lines and..."Nope, nobody can tell the difference AT ALL!" (sticks fingers in ears) It's really just getting sad. Let's just admit that the PS4 is, and always will be, more powerful than the One. MS tried to be somewhere in the middle of the Wii U and PS4 (though closer to the PS4) to keep costs down, and now it's biting them in the ass with the core audience. So, people can say it doesn't matter or they can't tell, but sales of HW and SW prove that not only can they tell, it matters.

Ok? So, can we drop the BS and move on with this gen? All I want to know is the res and framerate on each game and then be done with it.