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The op is clearly a troll. If he states otherwise then he's simply a mouthbreather that needs to get his eyes checked.
Like someone above me says he doesn't have a basic understanding of graphic rendering neither do I and I have to say
that the explanation provided was very useful. Either way the OP tries to prove a point that can't be proven: 
Resolution doesn't make a difference.

Maybe (nah, certainly) I should have stopped reading when he said that there's no big noticable difference between 1080p and 720p.
Unfortunately he was too stupid and entertaining to miss this opportunity here. (I even created this account just so I could respond. Pathetic I know)
All I can say is that there's a reason why ps4 owners still use the whole resolution point as an argument against the xbone. (psst It's because it IS noticable)
And please don't get me started on your last paragraph with the whole SD tv point. Why the hell do you think that we moved towards HD?
So, please OP get your eyes fixed so that you can join us in this age and to make sure that you don't embarrass yourself anymore on the internet or don't 
and provide me with more entertaining stuff.

PS. You contradicted yourself about a million times in that post there mate, pretty impressive.