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MikeRox said:

It's more likely the TV rather than the resolution that's making it look terrible. A decent 1080p display would actually upscale the image to 1080p for you reducing the difference.

My PS3 games look way better on my 1080p Panasonic plasma than they did on the 32" 720p Sony Bravia even if the native resolution was the same, it was just a much better quality panel with better colours as well as the higher resolution. This means comparing 720p on one display with 1080p on another is actually an apples to apples comparison. I'd suggest trying the PS3 on your monitor, but monitors don't have the same scaling capabilities as TVs (this is a big part of the reason PC monitors are so much cheaper than TVs)

480p looks lower resolution on a 6'2" Screen centimetres from your face than 720p does on a 42" TV from across the room. The Wii U pad is pixellicious whilst the TV a few foot away there's not a jaggy in sight on games like Mario 3D World.

You also sit really close to a PC monitor which makes the resolution more noticible. But the quality of the display device you are using makes a much bigger difference than simply the number of pixels on the screen.

"Really close"? No, i sit in the ideal distance. Sitting too far away from the TV as a "solution" to removing resolution issues is not a solution at all. There is an ideal distance for every screen size; it takes both your eye health and the ability to absorb pixel detail into account. If someone is sitting far enough to not notice the difference, than they are sitting too far; and that's their problem, in more ways than one. Not only will it hurt your eyes in the long run (too much strain by unconscious effort) but you'll also be missing out on graphical detail.

That 42" TV you talk about should not be "across the room". It should be ~5.5 feet in front of you. (less than 2 meters)