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I'm thinking Smash will do great, possibly outselling MK8's original release. I also think Nintendo will have another MK8 bundle ready for the holidays, possibly with MK8 DLC or an amiibo.

The amiibo will do amazing. Gonna copy pasta from another post of mine:

Yeah Skylanders hasn't sold halo like numbers, but it does produce a disproportionately large amount of money. To play Skylanders, you need to buy the portal peripheral for $45 at retail. Then characters cost $10-15 each. Considering every child that I've met that owns skylanders (6) has at least 12 of the damn things, and Activision claimed the attach rate of the toys was "2 to 3 times" greater than they expected, I'm going to say it's a pretty good market. Those kids spent almost 4 times as much money on that single game than you would a copy of COD. Keep in mind that was 12 at least in my example. There are currently 249 different Skylanders figures. I won't even touch the Disney Infinity series.

I bet you every developer wants to get in on that growing market. Not having to design your own version of the portal or toys is nice for the developer because Nintendo already paid for that risk for them by building it into the gamepad and offering amiibo tech to third parties. Consumers will like it more than the Skylanders model because you don't have to buy more peripherals for each company that puts out smart toys, you don't have to buy a new toy line for each series, and you can use the amiibo across multiple titles outside of a single series.