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Death2009 said: Too bad that in the americas the 360 has sold twice as many consoles as the PS3 between November and January. Not that PS3's are hard to find, it's just that few want them. Use the console comparisons for the america's on this site, the PS3 has gotten slapped by both Consoles. Casual Gamers? Are Hardcore gamers worthless now? What do we do? What do we play?
No we are not worthless if I have the right to call myself hardcore, I probarbly isn't. The problem is that there is more casual gamers than hardcore. So a winner system need the casual gamers. PS3 really needs some casual gamers because xbox360 is as hardcore you can get in USA for the moment with a realy good software sales and mediocare hardware sales (a little bit infront of the orginal xbox). No system has won the war without the casual gamers, it is that simple. PS2 have won a lot because of new way to play and fun simple games like eye-toy, buzz. guitarr hero. These games are important because the drive hardware sales, so long that the hardware price is acceptable. Thats is why PS2 won (at least here in Sweden) with Wii in second place this Chrstmas. Guitar hero, buzz and singstar bundles for a really good price!



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