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MS made a huge mistake when they announced it and they are trying to spin that and make it sound as though that's no longer an issue.. they continue to pull 180's and IMO are a complete clusterfuck right now.

Despite the PS4 not having as many good games (according to MS fanboys) as the XB1 the PS4 continues to murder it in sales despite MS tossing in games and a cheaper entry point (well on par with the PS4 now anyway)... Sony has brought it with Indie games, last gen MS fanboys were all over this! Now that Sony is Indie games are now not as cool. MS seems to be changing it's mind and bringing back some of the crappy policies that got it into this hole to begin with! This letter seems to be nothing but PR and the letter the other day distancing the Xbox brand from the rest of MS seems to be more telling. The Xbox brand right now is in trouble.. MS could sink money into it but that also makes no sense. MS did not get this big by wasting money.. they have shareholders and they need to be kept happy... a division losing money does not make one happy.