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blessedswine said:
i have no problem with remastering older games even ones from last gen, as long as it doesnt interfere with new game development. With that said as soon as they decided to remake games instead of new games thats where i will get mad, TLoU im happy to have ordered as i held off on the ps3 version, same will go for GTAV and if they released Uncharted remastered colection ill rebuy those as they are the reason i havent ditched my ps3 yet.

Good thing it is that Naughty Dog were already working on Uncharted 4 and an other uncannounced game, alongside The Last of Us Remastered. Doesn't seem to me like the remaster interfered with anything. If anything, they only allocated a small team to the remaster, or maybe they used people who weren't yet set to work on the other projects. Coders aren't going to start coding before they know what the heck is going on (as in, project being in pre-prod).