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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Nirvana_Nut85 said

 Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day.

This is hilarious, you keep digging yourself into a hole by making up various ways to discredit me despite the fact that I haven't even argued against you.

Go on then, show how I am contrading myself, oh you can't?

Of course you can't I'm not even making an argument against you.

Just admit you have no proof, and stop wasting the time you claim to be so precious to you. I, on the other hand, can continue to rip apart your crap until the end of time, because I can make time in my schedule to deal with people like you.

Embarassing, I've given you the benifit of the doubt, even though I knew you where just parroting someone elses opinions, ill equiped to defend them or even provide evidence for them should you be called out on them.

I knew by asking you "citation needed" instead of providing the evidence, you would scramble to try and change the subject and discredit me, because you didn't have any evidence, but I was entertaining the thought of you actually having evidence and me being wrong.

But unfortunately, and hilariously, I am right.

The only thing you had to do was provide a link backing up your claims, that would've ended right there and then, instead you said it was common sense, anyone with a grasp of how arguments work would know that is not evidence.

What, you thought that I would just give up, because you posted links about me being delusionals and having fallacious argument? 

That could've worked if I didn't understand how to make a valid argument and I was unaware of the fact that I didn't make any argument.

You have 3 options as of now: Two of which you can take, one of which will vindicate you

1. Provide evidence of your intial claim. (If its not obvious, this is the option which you cannot do, because you have no evidence. As I've reiterated, if you could have done this, then you would posted a graph or a link to your claim, instead of foolishly saying it was common sense. This was when you screwed yourself over. You thought it was funny, I thought it was funny too. But not for the same reason. This is the only option that would add credibility to your argument)

2. Do not respond, forfiet participation. (Effectively admiting, that you have no argument and you created this sidetrack to hide the fact that you do. Obviously, this is the one that you have claimed many times to do, but at the very least if you do this one, then you look less foolish, because at the very least you decided to quit before it got anyworse)

3. Continue with your pointless banter. (Further proving that you cannot provide evidence, or even using more incorrect irrelvant arguments to further embarass yourself. This is the most hilarious of options, but since you are not the OP, that level of offtaskness would surely lead to moderation. So this is the least advise option)

First you claim you argued sematics, then you claimed you didn't argue at all, it seems these responses your providing are all over the place. I`m not understanding where this reasoning is coming from.

You then went on to claim that scrutiny cannot hold merit but when I proved you wrong in regards to this, instead of being a gentleman and conceding you said in your own words "Those links you posted are opinions about scrutiny, judging the situations in which it is acceptable." You can continue to beleive you are right, even when being proven wrong but my response to that is simply

You claim I have no proof but a simple backtrack through this thread will indicate that I have given you an insurmountable amount of proof by copying and pasting your responses which proved that you were contradicting yourself.

You choose not to admit this and sidestep it by ignoring these facts, yet calling me out because i told you to go google something. Tsk tsk.

I will reiterate again that you please thoroughly read through the responses you have provided as even though you will most likely not admit it in this forum, but maybe just maybe you will accept the fact that the proof of what I`ve claimed against you is in your own responses.

When did I ever state that I thought you were going to give up
? You can continue on as much as you like and I will then continue to respond. This can go on as long or as little as you want it to go.

You are not right , nor have you been through through this entire conversation. I find it hard how someone in plain writing could state one thing and then contradict themselves through the following several posts. Flip flopping only deteriorates the point you are trying to make in which you should refrain from doing :)

You can provide your opinion and advise to your hearts content on what options you believe that I have, however, as I've stated earlier do not take you seriously and I have provided examples which indicate why I have taken this stance (as well as your contradicting responses).

The only reason my previous response lead to moderation was due to insults. You claim that I am providing pointless banter without adressing your responses which usually contain light insults and your own philosophical filler. As the saying goes pull the log out of your eye before addressing the sliver in mine.

I will revert to my previous responses which you requested citation:

This is the first gen where Sony and M$ have released relatively weak hardware” - Google the components of what was considered a powerful PC for each console generation and compare it with the components launched from Sony & MS (Nintendo as well if we go back tothe N64 days)

Expect new consoles no later than 2019 (M$ will launch it's next system alongside Nintendo in 2018)” - Google the normal lifespan of consoles, vs the fact that the current hardware is underpowered compared to previous gens and the fact that both companies are making profit early on. You can then google Nvidia`s current roadmap and how they current mainline video cards are substantially ahead of what the PS4 and Xbone has and voila there you go......

The 10 year plan is wishful thinking at best and so is 100mill sales” - Already advised this was my opion based on numerous factors including the one`s addressed in the previous two quotations


As I`ve stated you will not get your links as it is a simple google. You seem to take this very seriously.......


" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"