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Mr_No said:

I know the Resident Evil focus was survival horror, but I felt lost at the first chapter and I didn't know what to do.


It can be confusing if you've never played anything like it before.  I confess that the first time I played an RE game, I had to use a guide to figure out where I was supposed to go.  I think it's one of those things that becomes more intuitive with time.  But I suspect that RE lost a lot of people simply because back when it first came out, it was so different from anything else.  I guess that was both a blessing and a curse.  While some of us loved it for its differences, others were no doubt alienated by them.


Mr_No said:

I wouldn't have mind trying it out back in 98. The thing is, when I tried it a few years ago, they lost me with the camera positions. I guess I tried RE2 too late.


Yeah, perhaps.  Unfortunately, I think the camera is just one of those things that you have to get used to.  Oddly enough, I never had a problem with it.  But I can understand how others might.


Mr_No said:

I do have an affinity for fast paced action/adventure games, especially if they are third person. But I also like to take it slow sometimes with the stealth genre. In fact, I'd love to sneak thru a Resident Evil game with nothing more than a silenced Samurai Edge, a knife and minimal armor. I wouldn't mind if the series went back to survival horror again but without the cinematic cameras.


In fact, it's funny you should bring this up.  Take a look at my reply to Rain.  I basically said that I don't see why a modern RE game couldn't cater to both our preferences.

And the stealth genre is an interesting point to bring up, too.  That's actually not a bad analogy for this.  I think that's more of the feel of the classic RE games.  If anything the gameplay is closer to stealth than it is to action.


Mr_No said:

Hehe, and don't worry about your post. It's good to see someone replying with a long post that doesn't start a fight


Start a fight?  Nah, that wasn't my intention.  On the contrary, what's interesting about this discussion is that prior to this, I may have been more dismissive about people who preferred the later RE's, shrugging them off as a bunch of COD dudebros who don't understand any game more cerebral than just shooty-shooty-bang-bang!!

But because it was a friendly discussion and people were able to calmly and intelligently express themselves, I've actually gotten a slightly different perspective on things.  I still prefer the classic gameplay myself, but at least now I have a sense of where others are coming from.  I wouldn't have gotten that if it were all, "OMG!  Old RE sucks!  You must be some kind of fag if you don't like new RE!"  And as I'm sure you know, the internet is full of arguments like that.

Anyway, my point is that it was refreshing to see people able to disagree with relative politeness.  That's kind of a rarity online, and one that gave me a bit of an insight into the differences between the old and the new RE.

ColdFire - The man with no name.