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Machiavellian said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
Ka-pi96 said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Myth:  Microsoft made it okay to launch a console with faulty hardware

"Also suffered" is grossly missleading. Neither the PS1's nor PS2's fail rates were ever comparable.

I can only speak from personal experience but PS2s fail rates were some of the worst ever. Probably worse than 360s. To make it even worse a broke 360 is broke, no question about it. But a PS2 had multiple ways to break, I don't technically have a broken PS2 at the moment but I also don't have one capable of playing blue disc games so...

Edit: As for PS1, didn't know there were ever problems with them. My original PS1 still works

I broke 3 PS1s (and many of my friends at the time had problems too). Only had one PS2 though.

Again, the consoles certainly had problems but the OP is baseless. Nothing comes close to the fail rates of the 360 consoles (until the 2008 motherboard revision).

One difference concerning the 360 failure is that you could send it back to be fixed for free.  Neither the PS1/2 or 3 could you do that and I have experienced problems from each of those consoles.  Hell, I still have my PS3 fat sitting in a closet dead because of the YOLD issue.  Each time I had to deal with one of the failures from Sony console I had to pay 150 bones to get it fixed.

TOTAL BS ands lies... The 360 had by far the worst failure rate of any electronic device, it was faulty right at launch. It launched in 2005..MS denied there was an issue for 2 years before finally giving in after documents leaked of MS engineers warning of issues before launch and threat of lawsuit. By that time 60 + % of 360's had died many times in some cases. MS ducked it for 2 years by then damage was done.


I went through 2 360's and MS told me too bad...On top of that the disc read errors were nearly as bad as RROD, and it plagued many early xboxes as well as other iussues.


MS rushed it out of fear of the PS brand at the consumers expense, knowing there were issues.


Ps2 was sold for 10 years and sold 150 million, of course there would be some issues they were not even close to the faulty 360 design...PS2's were well within normal operating rates of electronics.


Defending RRROD and comparing it to ps2 issues are moronic and dilusional.