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*Sound Of Rain said:

Everyone in my family and my friends loved it though so it's just me.


No, it's not just you.  I love the classic RE games.


Mr_No said:

I didn't like how you spent a whole clip on a zombie and more of them appeared, leaving you defenseless.


Dude, you're supposed to avoid what you can.  That's the point of classic survival games.  Conserving ammo is a big part of it.


Mr_No said:

Graphics were bad, but I didn't mind.


Well, to be fair, these were 5th generation games.


Mr_No said:

It's just that the camera was awful; I couldn't go thru the first level.


I really think you should give it another chance.  It may take some getting used to but it kind of grows on you.  Or at least play the first one - It's worth it for the acting alone!

Oddly enough, some people don't like the tank controls, and others don't like the camera angles, but I found that these two things kind of canceled each other out.  The angles could be disconcerting at first, but since forward is always forward no matter where you're facing, you didn't have to change when going from one screen to another.  I've played other games where the angles change but the direction buttons control the direction you move on screen, and I can't stand it.  Once, I had a character keep turning around and going back the other way every time I tried to go to the next area, and I had to keep doing it until I could time it so that I changed direction the instant the next area came on screen.  Ugh!  Not fun.


*Sound Of Rain said:

I might just buy an N64 again if I one day have enough money. The console shouldn't be to expensive but the games will be....


Really?  I would have thought you could get both pretty cheaply these days.


*Sound Of Rain said:

By the way, you are old.


I know.


*Sound Of Rain said:

I'm around the same age as AZWification :P



ColdFire - The man with no name.