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no big impact for destiny on last gen
cod: aw will sell millions on last gen dont see that happen for destiny the same way


drake_tolu said:
Sharpryno said:
Please don't underestimate CoD.

I don't understimate COD, but for much time the people have underestimate Destiny.

This game can outsell even Call of Duty Moder Warfar 3! (And no, i don't say that will be... but yeah, can really outsell)

xbox one can outsell ps2. (and no, i dont say that will be... but yeah, can really happen)

plz more 100% useless garbage statemens.



btw. world word 3 can happen in the next 10 years. maybe a big bump for military shooters

on the other hand. if we discover aliens. damn that can bee a huge sales advantage for scifi games