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MikeB said:
DKII said:
Why do people continue to think the PS3 will explode in sales if/when it reaches the "magic" $199 point? It didn't help the GC/XB any. And the fact that the PS2 sold most at $199 has more to do with the fact that it was at the price for longest and was at that price at the peak of its natural lifespan than any kind of inherent factor in the numerical value of the price.

Man, you really need to lay off online surveys and polls. They are completely unreliable, represent an extremely small portion of the demographic, and there is no way to track who is voting and how often they vote.

As someone who spends a good amount of my time pouring over demographic numbers for my job (advertising), your constant posting of inaccurate online surveys is both aggravating and downright misleading.

In short, they don't mean shit. They're too easy to tamper with, they represent an extremely skewed demographic (particularly surveys from tech sites), and since they involve no real dollars spent, there is nothing binding the pollee to their vote, completely negating any beneficial information we might receive from said poll. It's reeeaaaall easy to vote "yes, I'll buy one" to a $150 PS3 poll but when the PS3 does roll around at that price, there are a million other factors that might keep the voter from actually buying the unit.

"Intent" and "Action" are two vastly different things. 

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