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"Its not worth 60 dollars"
"looks like some cheap DLC game"

These comments make me sick. This thread only has a few, but those comments have been all over this forum for such a long time.
Seriously, people? Take a good damn look at most of the stuff that sells for 60 dollars. *sigh*
Doesn't matter though, right? This is a Nintendo game after all. Ofc its worth "less". Always is.

I really want this game to sell a lot of units. Prove to the world that there is room for other things than brown shooters. Im afraid though... I wonder if it'll ever break a million units.
Throwing out some big assumptions: Assuming that the people who bought the Wii U at launch were mostly interested in first party games (that would be me), and then how Mario Kart 8 pushed a ton of sales, do these people want a shooter? Then again, this isn't a normal shooter.
I'm hoping for at least 2M lifetime. I'm expecting less :C