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*Sound Of Rain said:

I haven't played a Fallout game before. Now that I have a PS4 though, I might try it out. As far as setting? Florida sounds nice. Something tropical would like nice IMO. I always like games better where decisions actually matter. 

The zombie apocalypse is totally going to happen someday. I'm not prepared though :(

Fallout, to me, has an awesome story and atmosphere.  The VATS system, which pauses combat and lets you set up an attack on a target or body part also gives it more of an RPG feel rather than just a twitch shooter.  I especially like that it lets you determine how you're going to play.  I like steath-sniping-lockpicking-hacking but someone can go with heavy armor and flamethrowers, if they wanted.

Setting the game in the Everglades would also allow for giant mutated alligators, which everyone should want to see.