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overman1 said:
bigtakilla said:
overman1 said:

Maybe because you arent critisizing Nintendo for WWHD...honesly, this is the first game Sony is remastering. why do u care?

I don't care, was just answering the op's question of getting the point of TLOU remaster. Also, this isn't a Wind Waker HD thread, posting off topic gets people banned. for "derailing".

lol you cant talk about one without talking about the other. that's like blaming the Nazi for the entire death toll of WW2. 

Before answering if Wind Waker HD is a cash grab we should ask some questions.

1: How long ago was the prior game released, this leads in to a new Generation being able to play a classic without having to find an old system and the old game?

Wind Waker released in 2002, Wind Waker HD released a decade later in 2012. 

The Last Of Us released June 14, 2013 with it's remake scheduled for August 29th 2014. A year and 2 months later, lol.  

2: What was the install base of the system the game was released on, which leads to how many people had the ability to play the prior game? 

Game Cube had 33 million units sold. It made Nintendo a profit, but hardly a Wii type hit.

PS3 had 80 million, either 2nd or 3rd in sales last gen, outsold by the Wii, but still was in a lot of homes.

3: How hard would it be to be able to find the older games and systems to play them today?

Game Cube and Wind Waker, pretty much impossible.

PS3 and TLOU you can literally go to any Gamestop and find both right now. 


Other considerations:

If the PS4 was just backwards compatible, it would be able to play it already. 

Nintendo needed a start to figure out HD development. Wind Wakers was an obvious choice for several different reasons as the game to get your feet wet in developing HD.