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HylianSwordsman said:
*Sound Of Rain said:

I have gotten a few requests to change this. Maybe I'll ban people for posting to tell people to vote. If they're caught, they will no longer be aloud to vote.

This seems excessive to me. It's not like telling people to vote Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony will change anything. If the people were going to do so, they'd have done so whether someone requested them to or not. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with saying "NO! (insert game here) can't lose this soon! Don't let it die yet!" or something to that effect. If we have to keep adding rules and making it really serious to the point that you can't even chat about the state of the game, that to me takes the fun out.

Wait, what?  I may have misunderstood.  I thought Sound Of Rain was talking about people who post in other threads, on people's walls, etc, trying to get others to come to the game and vote a certain way.

But if HylianSwordsman is interpreting this correctly then I have to agree with him.  I'm not against banning someone who is making a genuine attempt to rally votes, but I think banning such comments altogether could be problematic because people say a lot of stuff in jest during these games.

I see a lot of comments that I'm certain are only intended as lighthearted banter: "Argh!  Why do you keep voting up that crap?"... or... "Don't you dare!  Zelda rocks!  You leave it alone!"... That kind of thing.

Now, it's possible that I'm misinterpreting things, but most of the comments I see in these games don't strike me as being intended too seriously.  More like people having fun with each other.

Having said this, I do acknowledge that this is pretty subjective, and the "seriousness" of a comment (especially in text) can be difficult to quantify.  To be absolutely clear, I don't condone anyone genuinely trying to manipulate other people's votes, and I'm ok with keeping that in check.  But if we are to do so then I think we also need to be careful that we don't end up policing anyone who makes a playful comment.

ColdFire - The man with no name.