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*Sound Of Rain said:
Mr_No said:

I second this. In my opinion, the game stopped being fun because of this.

I have gotten a few requests to change this. Maybe I'll ban people for posting to tell people to vote. If they're caught, they will no longer be aloud to vote.

This seems excessive to me. It's not like telling people to vote Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony will change anything. If the people were going to do so, they'd have done so whether someone requested them to or not. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with saying "NO! (insert game here) can't lose this soon! Don't let it die yet!" or something to that effect. If we have to keep adding rules and making it really serious to the point that you can't even chat about the state of the game, that to me takes the fun out. It's a stupid, silly forum game. It means nothing. It's an amusing pastime, that is all. Trying to make it serious ruins the entire point. These games are NOT a way to determine which game/system/company/whatever is better, or even which is most popular among the community. The results say absolutely nothing about the games in question beyond the general tastes of the users that participated. The game is layered with too many variables and potential for strategizing (not even necessarily with other people, there's plenty you can do by yourself) for it to be an even remotely objective measurement of anything beyond a vague opinion of the participants. Complicating the rules won't change that simple fact, it'll just make the game less fun.


Besides, I only ever hear requests like that come from the "losers" of these games, and the losers often employed the same strategies.