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Michael-5 said:

I only ever beat XenoBlade and Last Story for Wii ;-(. I don't know why I have been so lazy with my Wii, maybe because I bought it late (2009). Only played Metroid Prime 3 and Other M for a couple hours each, Other M was definately a step down, but I haven't had the chance to play it like you.

I have a lot on my TDL, but luckily the only 8th gen consoles I own right now are WiiU/3DS and I don't plan to get anything else for a while. This will give me time to beat 2x Zelda/Mario/Metroid + Pandora's Tower & Fire Emblem on the Wii.

I haven't beaten that many games for it either. I have Pandora's Tower, Last Story, and Xenoblade Chronicles, yet I've beaten none of them completely. Shame on me...