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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Except the links I posted address your lack of evidence, not you.

I disagree. I provided an opinion using what would be considered logic. You thought you were being crafty by providing a link that basically would state I am ignorant instead of providing an actual argument and I called you out on it.

Citation needed.

You provide half-assed responses and request that I hold your hand and walk you through mine? Google it.

The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence.

Google Nvidia roadmap, see, it wasn't that hard

Whose general consesus is that?

"shakes head" you seem like a fellow who spends a majority of their time on the internet. If you wish to play games by all means please continue.

The PS3 had a bad launch but overall sold well enough, to end the generation in a virtual tie with Xbox.

Yes, however, had it not been a technological advancement like the 360 in comparison to even PC games at the time (and the fact that Sony needed to recoup losses from launch), it's succesor would have launched far sooner and fallen in with the typical console lifespan.

Seriously, this is the second time you've called me delusional, and I don't see how the thread I posted earlier has any relevance in me requesting evidence from you.

 Where did I outright call you delusional? I simply posted a link :) However, to address your statement, I familiar with the logic you apply in some of these threads and simply made a fair assumption that you were applying that same logic to my comment. 

I didn't never asked you to explaining your reasoning, only to back up your argument with evidence. 

An opion based on future sales cannot be sourced as the sales have yet to occur. I've given you examples of previous hardware lifespans, the anomaly that was last gen, current hardware vs pc and compared to last gen vs pc and how pc cards are growing at a rate which will outdate consoles more hastely than previous eras, the current drop this early in weekly (not overall) sales across the spectrum, etc and why these factors form my opinion.

Good then, I won't inquire any further, but only because subjecting you that amount of scruntiny would be unwarranted. Now, I understand your viewpoint.

You can scrutinize to your hearts content. The fact that you believe your scrutiny would hold any merit is why my grandiose comments I made earlier are applicable.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"