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*Sound Of Rain said:

I can't friend request you without a name?

You can't?  That's weird - others have done it.  If you want, I can try and friend request you (never done it before ).

*Sound Of Rain said:

Yes, you will need more posts and a picture to play the next game. You have been very helpful so I'd love to make an exception for you but it'd just piss people off. Ha! I'm sorry.

No problem.  Glad to hear I've been of some help.  I'd better finish work on that profile pic some time.

*Sound Of Rain said:

Any suggestions are welcome but my next game might be the user one depending on if I get mod approval or not. They said they will get back to me later tonight.

Well, I don't know if I could really contribute to one on the users here anyway.  Like I said before, I don't honestly know anyone that well.

As for suggestions regarding games/series, I can offer a few to start things off...


Dead or Alive

Tomb Raider

Crash Bandicoot

Syphon Filter

Splinter Cell

Silent Hill

Star Wars: Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Note: That's Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR), the old RPG, not to be confused with The Old Republic (TOR), the more recent MMO

super_etecoon said:

Major props to Sound of Rain for all his hard work!!

Seconded!  Your games are greatly appreciated, Rain!

ColdFire - The man with no name.