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Final-Fan said:

It just seems very odd that you would be in favor of MORE crappy ports on the Wii.  The only difference is that you think the original game will also be crappy. 

Why will this be a crappy port? If graphics are the difference between a good game and a crappy game then your definition is null and void.

I want this because of the Wii's control scheme and my faith that Capcom will make it a quality port most likely with exclusive content and an excellent control scheme.

Faxanadu said:

No, he wants it on the Wii because it is the "inherent right of heritage" for a Nintendo console to get all Resident Evil games released on it.

Wrong again. Why must you make such brash assumptions. I only presented this as but one reason to motive why fans would want a Wii version, not as a fact, not as a justification, not as the sole reason, not even as the primary reason. After the success of RE4 on the Wii, RE5 would be a waste in many people's eyes not to feature the same control scheme that made RE4:Wii such a success. The control scheme is something we want for this game, and that's something you're not going to get on the PS3 or 360. There are a number of reasons why a Wii version can be desired. why do you try and act like there is only one at any given point in time for the sake of benefiting your criticism?

You're just bothered by the possibility of a Wii port and are trying in vain to nit pick and trivialize not only the possibility and validity of a port, but the reason why anyone would want it. You keep running in circles, jumping between points and issues. There is no cohesiveness to your logic, each time your criticisms are refuted, you simply just try and find another point to take out of context and attack. Note how the last few attacks have involved putting words in my mouth to make your argument.