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Honestly it was Twilight Princess the least game I played lol.

Spoilers for near the end

I got 2 mirror shards and was looking forward to another dungeon. Then they make you run around the whole freaking world to get what's her name her memory back then they make you run around the whole freaking world AGAIN to get all the statues and finally you get the cannon and I had spent my rupees on something else so I ran around building those up again then I HATED the sky dungeon (least favorite in the game by FAR). It was just hours and hours of fetch quests and BOREDOM that almost ruined the game for me. Luckily the last 2 dungeons and final boss battles helped me almost forget it but I hate when someone says how long a game as if it's a clear indicator of how much content it has. I count TP as a 25 hour game not 35 hours because it just pissed me off artificially extending its life making me run around all creation like that.

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