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curl-6 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

Because it made business sense to spend time optimising for consoles which have sold 80m. It doesnt make sense to hold back other versions to optimise a game for an old console which has sold just 8m.

The truth is even if it was fully optimised and launched on day 1, it still wouldnt sell 10%.

I understand people are passionate about having third party games on the same day as other consoles, but they should stop acting like they should be taking a hit to please certain groups.

If Wii U was PS4/Xbone spec, devs would still give it the short end of the stick because they expect games on it to flop, and in doing so, they cause the flop themselves. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thats bullshit and you know it. If wii U had a spec similar to PS4 and X1 it would get a straight port in half the time.

The consequences of not optimising it might be that it runs at 720p or 900p (like the xbox one, or PS3 last gen), but it would still be released on the same day.

Just because nintendo have a platform, they cant expect everyone to run towards them, they have to play a role in bringing the games. Sony faced that same battle with the PS3 it succeeded, they face the same battle with vita but dont want to do anything about it so its failing.

You really underestimate the role of a platform holder for third party games.