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Imagine what that would do when the PS3 after being on the market for about 4 and a half years reduces its console to be eventually at the magical $199 mark. With the soon death of standard TV's expected within two to three years time and the growing markets of both HDTV's and Blu-ray players on the rise. The PS3 in 2011 with an install base of between 50 to 60 million consoles world wide, imagine what a price tag of under $200 would do? Expect it to launch up in sales and eventually reach the mark of 100 million console sale in 2013. As soon as PS3 goes past the 100 million mark like previous generations then the next PS will be launched.

Three years time is a long way off, with over 100 million seller games  to be available on the PS3. A bright  future lays ahead of our beloved Sony PS3. I expect a slimline PS3 to be available mass market within two to three years time.

So what do you people feel about this prediction?