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ryuzaki57 said:
mii-gamer said:
ryuzaki57 said:

1. What? Look at the preorder chart, Nintendo exclusives are behind most Xbone multiplats

2. Definitely not given the barren 3DS line-up. And PS4 is 4 times as expensive as 3DS, so it would need to outsell it 4:1 to "beat" it

Youkai Watch 2, Monster Hunter 4, Final Fantasy Explorers, Dragon Quest X, Fantasy Life, Professor Layton X Phoenix Wright, Harvest Moon, Persona Q Super Smash bros and Pokemon OR AS - Barren Line-up my ass. @bold - I don't understand the logic behind the comment. Outselling = "beat it", ratio's mean nothing

You mentioned 4 games for Japan, 4 games for the west (actually not 'cause Layton vs Wright is just for US) and 2 games for both regions. That makes 6 games for each territory, which makes only 1 game per month, which is barren : even Vita or Xbone have more than that.

The logic is simple : you can't say that an investment of 4€ is equal to an investment of 1€. If the consumer paid 4€ rather than 1€, that means the product is seen as more valuable.

1. There are more game obviously,  but these are the bigger titles, many with some serious hardware selling power. I could mention skylanders, disney infinite, sonic boom, theatryhtm curtain call, lego baman 2, tenkai nights. Regardless of their region, the 3DS has systems seller that is FACT - you can't spin it buddy

2. How does that apply to the point that the 3DS will outsell the ps4 during the second half of the year? It's not hard to understand - I believe the 3DS will outsell the ps4. There is always the chance I could be wrong, but i stand by what i say.  

You are going on a tangent here - i still don't understand how this is relevant