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ryuzaki57 said:
mii-gamer said:
I still can't trust these numbers, but damn - Xbox one is so fucked if it was true, Nintendo has positive momentum on its side - and a strong exclusive line up leading up towards the holiday (1) - I can see the Wii U pulling ahead worldwide

The 3DS is returning to it's beast mode. I reckon it will easily beat the ps4 for the rest of the yeaar

1. What? Look at the preorder chart, Nintendo exclusives are behind most Xbone multiplats

2. Definitely not given the barren 3DS line-up. And PS4 is 4 times as expensive as 3DS, so it would need to outsell it 4:1 to "beat" it

1, Multiplats are not doing much for the Xbox one, take for example the Watch Dogs - it sold well on the xbox one but it hardly drove hardware sales, and not to mention the ps4 is now perceived as the better multiplat machine. To futher exemplify my point - look at the effect of Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U - hardware sales are up

2. Youkai Watch 2, Monster Hunter 4, Final Fantasy Explorers, Dragon Quest X, Fantasy Life, Professor Layton X Phoenix Wright, Harvest Moon, Persona Q Super Smash bros and Pokemon OR AS - Barren Line-up my ass. @bold - I don't understand the logic behind the comment. Outselling = "beat it", ratio's mean nothing