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NobleTeam360 said:

What about Fable, Sunset Overdrive, Halo, Quantum Break, Scalebound, Phantom Dust, Gears of War, Forza, and Crackdown? Not even including unkown games MS has in the works. Same can be said about PS4 and Wii U. Like I said I think all 4 gaming machines are worth owning at some point. Dismissing one of them just isn't fair.

None of those really interest me, and none of them are out for quite a while either, that leaves only the currently available games, most of which are multiplats, in which case the best console for multiplats is the playstation 4.

When these listed games, and more, are out, and actually good, then by all means expand the trifecta of gaming to four, but for the time being, if someone owns a pc and ps4 there is very little reason to own an xbox one too.

But for the time being, PCS4U is the way to go.

(besides, judging the current trend, by the time most of these games are out the xbox one will be even cheaper)