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gergroy said:

I am sure he was just annoyed at me invading his family time, but he could have been more polite about his refusal, made the wait in line kind of awkward... I certainly understand his annoyance and refusal, just the abruptness of it caught me off guard

For those wondering, I was very polite about asking and about his refusal. I am generally i pretty polite person anyway, even if it is somebody I dont necessarily like...

The "conversation" went kind of like this.

"Hey, Mr. romney, would you mind if I get your picture?"
"Absolutely not"
"Oh, ok, thats cool, nice meeting you"

So basically Romney said he would absolutely not mind if you took his picture? Seems like this is all just a big misunderstanding, you should make sure to clear that up the next time you bump into him.