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Well, I just bumped into Mitt Romney again.  This is the third time I have run into him, but this time wasn't as pleasant...

I went to Cafe Rio for lunch today and the whole Romney clan was there in line waiting to order their food.  Tagg or one of the sons was off running around the restraunt after wayward grandkids.  Evidently they were here on some kind of family reunion or something.  

Anyway, when I get in line Mitt and Ann Romney are right in front of me so I take the oppurtunity to ask Mitt if I could take his picture.  He quickly responded ABOSOLUTELY NOT and promptly turned his back to me.  Ann shot me an annoyed grimace, whether she was annoyed at me or Mitt's abrupt response I couldn't tell.  So I just sat there awkwardly in line with the Romney's...

Now, I can understand that he is sick of people asking for his picture, but he was pretty mean about it.  I mean, he could have at least been polite about saying no... Or he could have just said sure and let me take the picture, thus making the wait in line far less awkward.  Maybe he was being mean about it because his hair wasnt perffectly coiffed and couldn't let a picture be taken of him without a perfectly manicured head of hair...

Anyway, this is why you lost Mr. Romney, everybody could tell you were faking those smiles and polite attitudes the entire time!