@ Arcturus: Thanks for the update.
I just platinumed Strider, guess it'll be added into next weeks update.
I was having a blast playing Watch_dogs but when the PSN+ came around I decided to temporarily put down Watch_dogs and give strider ago.
I got to say, I had a blast playing strider, it's one of the few game where I didn't care about the story, assuming it had one cuz I skipped everything, and just enjoyed the frantic gameplay. I really liked the way it did the upgrades, rewards those who like to explore.
I've read all over the place that people either find it too hard even on easy to others who practically breezed it on hard. I personally found Hard to be alright, for the most part you can breeze through it if your mindful but obviously can be taken out if your careless, though I will say that the game on hard has two choke points, one is collectible related which requires good enough dexterity with the game mechanics and the other was not the boss but the lead up to him...survive the lift ride...towards the end there are these 4 enemies that had me getting really frustrated, two of these enemies are tanked and launching freeze missiles that freeze you, they are conveniently placed at both sides of the lift, then there are two drones flying around launching 5 guided missiles at you which stun lock you....sometimes I'd get juggled by them in combination. This part I found to be the most difficult, not even bosses where this hard, sure I died while fighting bosses but once I learned their patterns they were easy to deal with...still it's doable and just takes some patients and practice...and a bit of luck XD
Some also complained about the check point system, which honestly was fine, I mean there has to be some consequence in dying and I think this game handled it well considering it was harkening back to older games. So it was challenging but not brutal like the older games where.
The one complaint I have about the game is the maze like level layouts, it's fine when your playing and just progressing through it all but back tracking to find all the collectibles was annoyingly painful. I mean it has these panther points which have no label other than which direction there pointing too but there is only 3 places it goes to, then there is the eagle points again no label, for the most part the eagle takes you to a different plane of the same level but there is one point where it kicks to another area which means you'll have to repeat the back tracking to get back to that point. Then there is these loading door areas marked with certain symbols which represent which area you go to but some times you need to go down to a deeper level and don't know which door exactly to take for that specific area because sometime that one area may have 3 ways leading to it.
The stupid WOLRD MAP is absolutely useless, sure it at the very lease it shows you which area you in but not exactly where you are, I'd be fine with that if the actual world map was detailed enough so I could actually look at the dame thing and mentally plan out where I was and needed to be in order to get to my destination...instead I had to rely on memory and tons of trial and error.
It's odd, Strider now makes the second game where the world maps are borked, though it isn't saying much when Murder Soul Suspect doesn't actually have an ingame map....well not since I played it, so that tells you all you need to know about the world map.
Just to be clear, level maps are absolutely fine, but they are disjointed from any other level map, the world map was suppose to bridge them and this is where the game failed for me.
Other then world map issue I had and those two rough spots I encountered this is a solid fun game with an attainable plat for those who like me aren't exactly versed in Strider or metroidvania like games. Even the speed run is doable, I did this on my second playthrough on Normal, difficulty trophies don't stack, and got all the upgrades but 1 and clocked in at 3 hours, the trophy says 4 hours or less.
Anyways, I'm back to goofing off on watch_dogs again, gonna take my time with this one...at least till Diablo 3 finally releases on the PS4.