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BTW, I was wrong. I always wanted Nintendo to win, but Sony had pounded them so hard the last 2 gens, it just didn't seem likely. I actually bought a PS3 at launch (camped out). After getting the PS3, the store asked if any of would be waiting to get a Wii, we could get right in the line and still get one. I was pretty sure I would buy a Wii eventually. But after spending $599 it wasn't going to be then.

I didn't get a Wii in June '07. Now I no longer have a PS3 (had no patience to wait through the ridiculous drought of no games), but Wii60. I am glad Wii will probably win the generation, and really don't care who comes in second. I think the 360 had a great 2007, but Sony is going to take second in 2008.

I was sure Sony would win, and wanted them to do better than MS. At the time I felt with MS already in our lives too much with windows, office, etc, and Sony's history with 2 great consoles it would dominate. But to be honest, I have always liked Ninty consoles the best, and even loved the purple lunchbox more than my PS2 (which I also love).

Even though they won the HD format war, it really bothers me that Sony was willing to risk it's goodwill and reputation with gamers to push a media player format. This has ended up in their favor, but might not have. And I still think MS is too intrusive in our lives.

It's also nice to see a 3,000 employee company not only compete but win against 2 huge corporations that are much larger than just their gaming divisions. It means the littler guy (and yes Ninty IS the David) can compete against these 2 Goliath giant companies.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709