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Rafie said:
sales2099 said:
"However, Sony and Activision have heavily played up the Destiny on the PS4 and PS3 to the point where it has almost been advertised as exclusive to the consoles. As a matter of fact, the game will be exclusive to Playstation in Japan."

Now......I have the impression that the game IS exclusive to PS. Every other version is like a Chinese ripoff. It exists, its similar, but not the real thing.

It is a good thing I stopped caring about Bungie after they butchered the Halo Reach storyline. But as a Xbox fan, this kind of console favoritism outdoes anything MS did in the past with multiplats.

You can't be serious, can you?

Actually if you stop and look back, yes this is worse. Speaking of timed DLC, MS paid for a month with COD every year. This is a year timed DLC, along with longer beta, DLC within the DLC, and all that marketing jazz that ensures exclusive-like benefits to PS.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.