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CDiablo said:
Euphoria14 said:

I bet they don't mind the timed exclusive CoD stuff though.

They'll get over it.

Completely different situation

Why? Because the length of time is different? Because it is Sony doing it?

The only real difference is that ths is from a developer who used to be an Xbox mainstay and it isn't MS doing it.

Xbox players aren't getting the Scarecrow content for Batman Arkham Knight. They didn't get the extra missions in Watch Dogs or the costumes. The games cost the same accross both PS4 and XB1 and yet no one is complaining.

It is uniquely restricted to Destiny and from spending time within the Destiny forums on I can tell you first hand it is all about Activision deciding to give Sony the exclusivity deals. It is only here and maybe on the Gaf forums are people complaining about paying the same price for a few less costumes and ship skins. The real complainers are crying about being betrayed by Bungie.

CoD is but one example of where Playstation players had to deal with buying the "lesser" version of a game in terms of exclusive content and heck even very important aspects of a games functins (Rock Band was the worst offender last gen) yet we, for the most part, quietly bought our games and accepted that MS was smart for making their platform the place to get the content first.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and a certain people are so green with envy they can't help themselves but to lash out. Some Xbox players right now be like: