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d21lewis said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Whatever you feel like playing, regardless of her presence. If you wanna be comfortable with your hobby around her, you gotta start now and make sure she accepts it. She can do whatever she likes while you play.

I mean, you don't even have to like each other's hobbies and honestly she's probably never going to give a shit regardless. My wife tried for me to like musicals and ballet, but God knows I'm never going to give a rat's ass about them and she's come to accept this and enjoy them without me.

If it's a new relationship I'd recommend you to start by doing things you both like. Then move straight to the "I feel like playing a game, you do whatever you like" phase. If you like each other enough you should be comfortable with that. My wife now plays some games with me every now and the (she likes Rayman), after she accepted it as normal.

Then again, I'm just a random dude on the internet. Just saying what worked for me.

I understand and you're probably correct in everything you say.  What happened was that I met this young lady on June 10th.  She came to my house one day and I gave her the tour.  She said "You play video games? I wanna watch you play one." To which I responded something like "Hell no!"


I thought it would be a good idea for a thread, after she left.  I tend to know my audience.  I have games like Wario Ware, Peggle, Dance Central, Wheel of Fortune,etc for jusst such an occasion.  She's not a gamer at all but she was trying to feign interest in something I'm obviously into.  A lot of people in this thread are saying "pay attention to her" or "don't play a game" and I'm like; Really?  No shit!  


At least you did offer a good reply but, at this point, I'm regretting this thread's very existence.

Well, sorry if it wasn't very helpful. I didn't go through the 100+ posts in this thread.

So I'll say, follow your heart. ;)

Also, Heavy Rain is indeed a good option. The only game my wife has ever asked me to play in front of her just for the sake of it.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.