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I wish the world would work other way around.

I mean I go to work my boss is giving me less money than my work is actually worth (he wants profit)and the state wants some taxes. Then I go and buy stuff which is worth again LESS than the money I spent on it (developer/manufacturer wants money) and the state again wants some taxes too.

The consumer should be able to tell evereyone "I think this is worth SO much I give you X money for it" and we also should be able to go and say "I dont like science/military/school/healthcare/whatever" so we dont need to pay the taxed for those.

Shit like DLC would not exist in a world like that. (ADDONS would). With stuff like DLC etc the whole industry should be donation based. Everything should be priced at what its actually worth. And if devs/manufacturers etc want profit they have to rely on people donating. And if the product is shit they simply dont get any money and would have to do BETTER next time.