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Movies are not games... You clearly have not played a multiplayer game with onlive, gamestreaming isnot a solution.

You are talking about now im talking about in 10-15 years time. I mean just look how far the internet has come in the last 15 years now imagine where it will be in 15 years time.

I bet if i said 15 years ago that most people wouldnt be buying films in stores or going to stores to rent them and instead would be streaming them to any device they want such as mobile phones/tablets/Settop boxes/smart tv's etc you would of said the same thing you are saying now. but yet look where we are...

Movies are not games for the second time, there will be input lagg, you don't control movies... And you really think they will sell PC games also by then? Is onlive a huge succes? No. You can't say anything about what will happen in 10 - 15 years.