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QuintonMcLeod said:

Are you people kidding me? I've never heard so many people say $15 dollars is overpriced for a _good_ game. Meanwhile, $60 bucks for a rehashed COD sequel or another AC is perfectly fine.

Then some of you are complaining about cross buy? So, let me get this straight... You want an indie title on both the Wii U and the 3DS while only spending $10 bucks? ROFLMAO!!

If I were Yacht Games, I wouldn't want your business if you thought my game was only worth $5 dollars.

Well you're bold, aren't you? :P

I don't buy many games at full price. Certainly not every CoD and AC. $15 seems right about a decent value, that's why I'm looking to buy it, but cross buy at $15 or simply being priced at $10 would make it pretty much a no-brainer! But as it stands I'll knock it down the priority ladder a bit and buy it when the backlog's smaller (as I should anyway). I also have to admit, though, my view is a little tainted by just coming from the Steam sale.

Your assumption that wanting cross-buy means I think the game is worth $5 isn't true in my case at least. Currently, buying the game on two systems would cost me $30. It's probably not worth that. I'm not paying $15 again to have the same experience elsewhere. Nothing's going to tempt me to actually buy it both places. I would play it on both systems if I had it, though. It would be a great way for them to add value to my purchase without expending any resources or losing any income, because who is going to purchase it again anyway?

I'm still thinking about where to buy. What do you think?