Considering that the PS4 is lacking in original exclusives, I would much rather those have been given priority over the abundance of remakes that it has been getting. The graphical gap between the PS3 and PS4 is not great enough to make a remake worth a double dip. Of course there are people who never played the original and don't own a PS4, but the bottom line is that if Sony is telling me that I should spend $400 for the future of gaming, I shouldn't be playing the (very recent) past.
The same argument goes for GTAV, Tomb Raider, Payday, and whatever. Halo Master Chief Collection is iffy, but it at least includes 4 games, 2 of which were old enough to make a facelift worthwhile. Wind Waker HD is another case where enough time has passed that a remake would be worthwhile, even if that remake should have come later in the console's lifespan.