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I'm not going to describe it as "Retarded reasons" as I find that a little too far. If people choose not to like a game for summit like an Art Style or not liking a certian character than fine that's their issue. I always find people bitch about the game, see people loving it and end up getting themselves only to like the game anyway. The thing I always see is people always point the finger at Nintendo fans because they are probably more noticed than others. I see people doing the same crap to a lot of Microsoft and Sony games, but nah it's Nintendo lol.


Sorty of like when Nintendo posts bad news, we all seem to take noticed and then have a comment about it. Sony said Vita isn't doing well and making losses and people still sit there and comfort them with words praising them. I see it a lot to be honest and I'm not hating on other fans because really it's pages and groups that do that. I just noticed a lot when it's something Nintendo related, most places take noticed, but if Microsoft or Sony are in shit, only a few places and some ignore.