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1st week - 70k
2nd week - 38k
3rd week - 14k
4th week - 29k (Black Friday week)

Since it is releasing in the fall/holiday season, it has a chance to leg out decently. But I think concerns over the strength of the game's story and the overall lateness of of the game will hold some buyers back. Ultra ninty fans will buy it purely for the cause of saving 3rd party support, but will probably end up spreading good word of mouth for the game's incredible open-world mechanics. I'm looking forward to the possibility of unique GamePad functions, but I'm keeping my expectations at fairly conservative level.

One thing to certainly look out for: nearly every new release gets a huge 200%+ boost for Black Friday sales. I predict the game comes out in late October. Ubisoft will shoot themselves in the foot by releasing within a week of Bayonetta 2 -- which I hope will do far better.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016