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The game would have sold better if it was released simultaneously with the other versions. Giant mistake right there, because now nobody will care.

Now that I see numbers on those other platforms by the way, the legs are pretty disappointing. I don't think the game will end up being worthwhile on WiiU for Ubisoft, with maybe a little over 100k lifetime. So, in Assassin's Creed area, but even worse. Pre-orders may be okay-ish in the US for 3rd party WiiU standards, but the game is going to sell next to nothing in Europe because everyone will get it on, or rather; got it on, on PS3/4. Except me and probably a few others that secretly know better. Obviously, Japanese sales aren't going to be any better.

Launch Week 60k
Week 2 12k
Week 3 6k
Week 4 4k