DarkD said: Redoing the models is still redoing the models whether they're old models or new, they still have to start over from scratch. Unless its just a cheap ass upscale in which case its an even bigger rip-off than what I already said. Take Half Life 1 for instance, they basically just dropped that into a more powerful engine and sold it. Total rip-off. It's a problem because if people do buy the game it sets a terrible precedent which we'll be regretting for the next 10 years if it takes off. Look at locked on disc content, do you think its fair to tell people "if you don't like it, then don't buy the game."? Take DRM eventhough Microsoft was forced to back out of it, imagine if they had just stayed silent about it, there's evidence that Sony was planning the same DRM and just changed their mind at the last minute to make a splash in the media. Would it have been fair to tell gamers "if you don't like it, don't buy it."? |
The logic Im making and youre failling to see is how is that a terrible precedent if ppl are buying it, If ppl buy the thing is because they want it, if theres demand for a product than there is a reson to make it. If ppl dont want it and think its a rip off they wont buy it. Its that simple. If it sells 1 million coppies than theres obviously ppl interested in the product and ND (or whatever company is remastering any given game) has all the right to remaster the game, theyre a company theyre objective is to have profit.
And ye it would have been "fair" to tell gamers "if you dont like it dont buy it in regards to DRM". If The XOne and PS4 had DRM and ppl disagreed with it they wouldnt buy it (heck ppl dindt buy the XOne even after Ms backed off from DRM) the consoles wouldve bombed and the companys would change theyre policies (Ms did so in fear of the repercursion before even testing the market). Videogames are a business like any other, its not about beeing fair its about supply and demand, if theres demand you better be ready to supply it or you gona loose monet, so if ND releases this remaster and it sells like hotckakes, theres a demand therefore developers should come with the supply and profit.