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... and to be honest, after all the that has been said about the game, I'm enjoying it far more then expected. I bought a PS4 this week with only that game so far and I have a few PSN games as well. 

Graphics: 9/10

At first I wasn't really shocked. Everything seemed average however after a while and returning to previous gen you really see the big difference. And the smooth framerate makes me enjoy both SP and MP.

Gameplay: 9/10

A Killzone game as expected gameplay wise although an even heftier feeling would be my preference. MP gameplay is different and I really enjoy it. Unfortunate that not more people are playing the MP

Story: 6/10

Really lacking, not a structure although certain points by knowing the Killzone history (as a fan like me) makes it help though.

Sound: 9/10

Wow, most amazing part of the game I think. Sound is for me really important just like smooth gameplay without any bugs. 

Overall: 8/10

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics: